Welcome to onspot Direct Voter Hub

Welcome to the Direct Voter Contact Partner Hub at Onspotnc.org, your essential resource for voter engagement and outreach in North Carolina. Our mission is to increase voter education, engagement, and turnout, particularly focusing on critical down-ballot races like the State Supreme Court elections.

About Our Program

During the 2024 election cycle, Common Cause North Carolina (CCNC) will implement a multi-geography direct voter contact program. Our objective is to engage and educate high-opportunity voters of color, ages 18-45, residing in Mecklenburg, Cumberland, and Pasquotank counties. We will also prioritize engagement and turnout of students at North Carolina’s ten Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Our program will be 501c3-compliant, primarily run out of our 501c4 entity.

Political Landscape

North Carolina remains a pivotal swing state with a high-stakes political environment:

  • Presidential Election: Anticipated rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, following the record-high turnout of 75% in the 2020 Presidential election.

  • Congressional Races: With a projected 10-3-1 split favoring Republicans, the only swing district is Congressman Don Davis’ seat.

  • State Legislative Races: Democrats need to win at least 49 seats in the state House and 21 seats in the state Senate to break the Republican supermajority.

  • Gubernatorial and Statewide Races: North Carolina will feature a highly competitive gubernatorial race and hotly contested races for Attorney General and other Council of State positions.

  • Judicial Elections: A key seat on the State Supreme Court will have significant implications for pro-voter litigation, impacting organizations like Common Cause.

Priority Areas

Our outreach efforts will focus on both major urban areas and identified priority counties trending toward the nonpartisan progressive coalition:

  • Urban Areas: Durham, Raleigh, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Asheville, Wilmington.

  • Priority Counties: Pitt, Wilson, Johnston, Granville, Alamance, Cabarrus, Gaston, Union, Watauga.

Get Involved

We invite individuals and organizations to join our efforts in making a difference:

  • Educational Campaigns: Access resources to educate voters about the importance of down-ballot races.

  • Text Campaigns: Participate in our SMS campaigns to keep voters informed.

  • Community Engagement: Collaborate with us to amplify voter education and engagement.

Stay Connected

Stay updated with the latest news, events, and opportunities by following us on social media and subscribing to our newsletter.

Thank you for being a part of our mission to promote informed voting and enhance civic engagement in North Carolina. If you experience any site issues, please reach out to the webmaster xboston@commoncause.org.